If you were near the Capitol, you were likely dealing with Capitol Hill police. I worked there for seven years and can vouch first-hand, as an extremely anti-cop person, that they were almost always good, helpful, non-power-trippy people. They were on-guard at all times as their only job was guarding the Capitol, so they were used to dealing with all sorts.
Before I could step away, one of them grabbed my shoulder and screamed “fuck you fake news!” and pushed me.
I know, no use for asking logic or coherent thoughts here. But - why would you be there if you made all up anyway?
Images like this show why it’s so important to vote
No, no, no… The orange man has assured me that it was the biggest crowd of all time. Probably more people than had ever been in one place at the same time. And he surely wouldn’t lie to me.
Voting Vs “My vote doesn’t matter anyways.” or “They’re all the same anyways.”
And for those of you who are in a similar situation as me, where your presidential vote for the most part doesn’t matter (Trump’s going to win by a minimum of 15 points in my state), your votes on down ballot issues do matter.
Local and state elections are where change starts. So get out there and vote, even if it’s mostly doing harm reduction.
I’m gonna piggyback on this to make a related point:
If you take it down from +15 points to +14 points, that’s gonna cost the GOP more money next time around. You don’t have to win your state to make an impact. If you can make it more expensive to win your state, that takes funds away from their campaigns in other states.
(And if you make it cheaper for Democrats to win your state, that frees up funds for campaigns in other states.)
you could also vote for a different president candidate, like “none of the above” while voting for a local candidate you do like.
Why would that mean anything?
There are really only three choices. Democrat, Republican, and “I don’t care you guys pick”.
Now imagine how big the crowd would be for Harris!
Or don’t.
Because until 2017, nobody gave a crap about the size of the crowd. Normal Presidents have had more important things to think about in their first 100 days in office.
Fr, like which sovereign nations they will impose sanctions on. Will 30% seem tyrannical? How many should I drop bombs on?
That kind of thing.