Start killing oil executives? It won’t fix anything but at least they’ll suffer the consequences of their actions for once
Quite an old listicle I read more than 10 years ago, but I still remember #1; “The Armed Security is Terrifying”
First he details how massive security was for the vice president of the US. Then for another high-profile politician, with Secret Service.
But by far the most security we’ve ever had was for big oil executives. We shut down two entire floors for them that only a select few hotel employees were allowed on. I was not one of those employees. Unlike the Secret Service dudes, rich people private security is as twitchy and heavily armed as every single character in a Michael Bay movie.
It’s not going to be easy, but I’m up for it.
Let’s make the ultra wealthy people so afraid they’ll start hiring tasters again.
It’s more that we’ve walked into a minefield, and we’re going to keep on losing ecoystems like this as we keep stepping forward. Makes it incredibly vital to stop burning fossil fuels as soon as we can.
Transition to renewable energy faster
Consider environmental pollution an act of war, because we really are getting to that point. Yes this will be seen as the west “pulling the ladder back up after themselves”; ask the corals if they give a shit
Those won’t be enough, maybe we can put some mirrors in orbit to cool the world down just a tiny tiny bit, then de-orbit it the mirrors.
What do we do now?
Two things:
Make more money for share holders
We’ll do three things:
How about we all stop pretending we don’t know what tje answer is and stop allowing the ultra-rich to steal and ruin everything.