Its kinda funny how quiet the comment sections are when democrats attempt to do something good for workers.
They’re basically:
“this isn’t good enough! They can do more! I’m a petulant child who will throw away my vote so Trump can win, and surely THAT will change something!”
No idea. I’m guessing you know, if that’s your area if interest. So feel free to enlighten me of course.
But it’s irrelevant at the moment. There is no action you can take between now and November to affect change to that policy.
If this topic is really a thing that bothers you, run for local office, vote in primaries for more progressive candidates, start a PAC to address the issue. Those are all effective methods of change if you really want to change things. And you can start now.
This would literally save lives in TX, FL and other states that have removed safety rules! How can you vote against this?? Yet we all know the republicans will shoot it down. Heartless
"Dems introduce bill that has broad public support, would help most Americans, and it immediately goes nowhere because the party of obstruction with minority rule is a bunch of whiny and cry babies. "
Looks great, now pass it.