Bonus question: what email inbox client do you use?
I pay for a Google workspace account, but I’ve been thinking about self hosting. I’ve had my eye on mailcow for a bit, does anyone recommend?
I use Gmail and the client I use is the browser along with the Gmail app on Android. … Yeah, I know, not a very interesting or fun answer lol.
self hosted. postfix + dovecot. android email app, thunderbird, or alpine from the cli.
You’ve marked your account as a bot. This may cause some people to not be able to see your content if they’ve hidden bot content.
Too lazy to selfhost. Also the implications of self hosting and securing email is too cumbersome to sleep well at night.
But I do self host non-important to my living at home.
Inbox: Outlook. Tried eM-Client but it was worse than Outlook (around 2018 or 19)
Answer to the bonus question: