Someone should make a list of Christian influencers, and the date when they end up being some child abuser.
Because apparently – It’s not if, it’s when.
Ruby Franke’s is just the latest in a long line of stories that illustrate the gap between the image the Christian right likes to portray and the ugly reality just under the surface.
There’s no hate like Christian love.
It’s not like the red flags weren’t there. The Frankes made a big deal out of being strict disciplinarians on their channel, which led to describing punishments of children. A 15-year-old, for instance, was deprived of a bed for 7 months, after he played a prank on a younger brother. Franke defended herself by calling a bedroom a “privilege.” She also described being able to eat as a “privilege” that children should expect to lose for misbehavior. She filmed multiple videos recalling times when she withheld food to punish children.
Fuck these people. I feel sorry for those poor kids.
Christian communities are infested with pedos because they protect them. When the victims speak up they circle the wagons and silence the accuser. Then they wag they fatty hypocritical fingers at queer folk who are just trying to exist as citizens of this country.
It’s because it’s never about religious values, it’s about power. The power to force your values on others but push back on other people’s values applying to you. The power to be just that extra bit above the law. The power to claim tax exemptions while sitting in piles of wealth. The power to abuse children and get away with it.