Äh ist das echt?
This man really will just spout whatever shit he can, huh? That’s like saying “Cancer can’t be THAT bad if you have to get tested for it to know you have it.”
To be fair you can be fairly certain of having cancer when you deterioate towards multiple organ failure. Of course by then it is too late, but then you can be sure.
So if your light cold changed to you failing to breathe and drowning in you own saliva within a day you can be fairly sure it is Covid.
If Musk prefers any of these routes over getting tested by a Doctor i applaud his bravery.
I’m still waiting for Musk to do a Steve Jobs and off himself due to medical malpractice
Bemerkenswert, dass rechte Schwurbler wie Musk (und natürlich auch die restliche 🗽-Schwurbelspähre auf “X”) im Prinzip ihren Willen bekommen haben (niemand interessiert sich für deinen Impfstatus, du kannst trotzdem machen, was du willst), aber trotzdem nicht lockerlassen können.
Man könnte fast meinen, es zahlt sich nicht aus, diesen Witzfiguren auch nur einen Zentimeter weit entgegen zu kommen.
Never get tested for cancer elon
Oh I didn’t need to be tested to know I have it. Haven’t felt so fucking sick in my entire life.