Okay let me start with two heavy hitters right from the get go and don’t forget these are only personal oppinions and I absolute understand if you like those games. Good for you!
Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Not a bad game per se, but I don’t get the hype behind it. Sure the dungeons are fun but the world is so lifeless, the story non existent, the combat pretty shallow, the tower climbing is very much like FarCry but for some reasons it’s okay here while Ubisoft gets the blame…like I said I dont get why the game is so beloved. Never finished it after the 20 hour mark and probably never will.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Just like Zelda not a bad game, but imho highly overrated. Graphics and and atmosphere are amazing but the controls are clunky and overloaded, nearly everybody is an unlikable douchebag who I would love to shoot myself at the first opportunity (maybe except Jack and Abigail) but I have to root and care for them. The game is just so long and feels very stretched, you already know that you won’t get Dutch because it’s a prequel and for an open world game you often get handholded in your weapon selection or things you can do because you have to wait for them to be unlocked by the game. I’m now nearly done with the game, playing the epilogue at the moment and I would say the last chapters are more entertaining than the rest of the game, but I still can’t understand why this game was on so many game of the year lists and I really wanted to put the controller down a dozen times.
So there they are, two highly controversial oppinions by me and now I’m really curios what your takes are and how highly I get downvoted into oblivion 😂
Not sure if this even a beloved game, but Assassins Creed Unity. The setting has so much potential but the story feels so slow and I find it boring, the controls took some frustrating time to get used to and Paris is just not a very visually compelling place to be at. I used to love AC2 but Unity… idk
Sonic games, I’m referring specifically to the first one and that era.
My friend and I rented a Genesis I believe it was, specifically to play this, we thought the graphics were awesome, the speed was amazing, the t3ch show off was cool, the game had novelty.
But really from a gameplay perspective, I simply do not understand what people like about it.
The whole thing was just run as fast as you can down this path, you have no idea what’s coming up. There will be multiple opportunities to take different paths but you don’t really have time to make a judgment call, so you flail at the controller and end up hitting a hazard. You start the level over and over and over again and you repeat it until you understand which way to go and then you complete the level.
Now you’ve run into every single gotcha and you figured out some optimal routes, now you can play it all without dying a lot.
Why would anybody want this?
That is part of why people like sonic games i think. Replaying a level over and over again to get the fastest possible route to complete the level (usually the top path, which is also the hardest as it’s easy to fall down to the bottom). It should also be noted that the games don’t like the players holding right all the time and will punish the players if they didn’t react in time.
This is not simple platforming, the classic games are a little… different? Idk the word for it, but compare sonic and tbe other platformers like mario, it is extremely different, which is why not a lot of people “get” sonic. I’ve had some people looking over my shoulders when i play a sonic game and was told “i don’t get sonic” which, all things considered, is understandable.
Checkers. You start with only one piece type and they go to the trouble to make all those squares and you only use half of 'em.
The Witcher 3 is just… so god damn boring, it doesn’t help that weapons break too easily, yet the oppurutunities to get gold are so few that you’ll do several sidequests worth of monster genocide, sell EVERYTHING you own, and just barely afford to fix your weapons… It got so bad I had to hack my save to bypass the constant scrunging about for repairs… then I realized the story is so complicated that you NEED to play the other two games to understand what’s going on
I went back and played Witcher 2, and found it to be vastly superior, far more fun, far more immersive, and just an all around better time
I have been warned never to touch Witcher 1
the Netflix series was pretty good, though I only saw the first season
Funny, I was told to stay the fuck away from Witcher 2, but played Witcher 1. xD Witcher 1 has some odd controls (from a modern perspective) but an engaging story which actually forced me to stop playing on my first playthrough because I just couldn’t make the choice between pest and cholera. Of course I eventually dipped my toes in Witcher 2, but the 3rd one has spoiled me so damn hard with its fancy graphics, controller support and familiar controls, that it just didn’t click.
Breathe of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are at the top of that list for me. The “old” style Zelda games are objectively better in terms of pacing and exploration. And I absolutely hate the weapon durability system in the better ones. I’ve read their reasoning behind it, but they’re wrong. It sucks and makes the game more about hoarding the good weapons and avoiding combat whenever possible, which is boring as shit.
I never really got into 3D Zelda (but had some fun with most of them) and Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom are a absolute low for me mostly because of the ugly as hell art. Both games have the worst cell shader look I have seen in a very long time and it makes both games unplayable for me. I get kind of sea sick playing them (I tried at a friend’s place who loves both games).