I’ve never used CVS before. Can someone explain?
I call in a refill on my prescription. It takes them 4 years to fill it. Then they text me every five seconds for the next three days until I pick it up, threatening to throw it into the fires of Mordor if I forget.
Thanks for the explanation. This was really confusing, because here we just go to any pharmacy and get our medicine.
You can get your prescription from any pharmacy, but you can only send a prescription to one pharmacy at a time. So if you choose the local CVS and they are taking a long time to fill it, you have to transfer the prescription to another pharmacy (even if it is just a different CVS store).
Are you saying that if you have a prescription, you can go to any pharmacy without pre-arranging anything, and they will give it to you? Are all pharmacies linked to a central system so they all know your prescriptions available and whether they’ve been filled?