please stop with the “Just Leave.” we can’t all just leave and i tire of hearing it. what limitations and obligations keep you where you are?
and if you genuinely can Just Leave wherever you are, reflect for awhile on your privilege, then try to recognize how many people do not have that option for any number of reasons.
sometimes i think this sentiment is only a little less tone-deaf than “just have a baby.”
Bus ticket is so fucking cheap, if you can’t leave, it’s not time to whine about others’ privilege, its time to look in the mirror. Or some water in a puddle, whatever.
Come on, don’t be disingenuous, you need more than a bus ticket if you don’t live close to the border of a state that allows abortions.
Your whole trip will most likely take three days or more (getting there, getting the procedure, coming back), so you need at least two days in a hotel/Airbnb. You will have to get off work for those days as well, that is cost as well.
That could be around 300$ together if you don’t have any vacation/sick days, on top of the cost of the procedure itself. And it’s not like you can save up that money over several weeks/months either, when you need an abortion every day counts. Contrary to some media, those affected don’t want to wait until the last possible day.
Some people really only have money for the bare necessities. And they are the ones who really should have access to an abortion because a baby wouldn’t improve their situation in the slightest.
Being poor isn’t a choice in most cases. Learned helplessness might play a role, but telling them “just get a bus ticket, lul” won’t change that.
Ain’t a “might” about learned helplessness. The amount of rationalization in this day and age about people failing so hard of their own accord that they don’t have 300 bucks is fucking pathetic. Like just fucking do something, anything, except continue doing the same thing. Sell some fucking drugs, why not, quick financial.boost and go.
The people who are saying leave, are the ones seeing you as the frog slowly boiling, but not realizing it until it’s too late.
Of course it sucks. Of course you might have to build life anew, but a real life beats a kettle that’s heating up.
All I’m saying it’s not black and white, and many probably already left or are in the process.
Okay, and? That doesn’t change a thing braxy said. What if you’ve been aware for years of the pot getting hotter and hotter and have had every desire to leave but don’t have the ability to? Those that have left were in a position in which they had the means to do so. Those that want to but can’t for any number of reasons (finances, family, health, etc. etc.) don’t have much choice.
My take is that there’s nothing wrong in saying leave, or people leaving. But I also agreed that it’s not possible for everyone, or not all want to - until perhaps something is too late.
I don’t understand why the people who can’t/won’t/don’t want to take offense from it, when it’s a viable option for many.