I want AOC on the ticket.
She’s too young unfortunately.
Edit: she turns 35 in October so she’s just barely old enough. She’s 34 right now though so I don’t think I deserved that downvote.
As much as I’d like her, AOC has the same problem as Hillary. She draws more opposition than support. She would motivate the Republican base against her far more than the Democratic base for her.
In the states that actually matter, Hillary drew more Trump voters to the polls than Hillary voters. It doesn’t particularly matter that she won landslide victories in states where Democrats always win landslide victories.
In 2016, both parties tried to throw the election, and the Democrats succeeded.
The lesson (that should have been) learned is that a blue state Democrat can’t win if the red states are united. The solution is pretty straightforward: find a red state Democrat, and suddenly the former swing states that went red 20 years ago are now in play again.
I would say that her problem is very different than Hillary’s. Hillary was not popular with Democrats and she was hated by Republicans. AOC is loved by some Democrats, liked by a bunch, and disliked by some while being absolutely reviled by Republicans. That would get AOC more support than Hillary got.
It’s the “absolutely reviled by Republicans” part that is the concern. It doesn’t matter how popular she is with Democrats. It matters how popular she is in the swing states, and whether she can be competitive in a red one.
Mark Kelly can win the swing states; AOC and Hillary cannot.