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Ok, so he’s ineligible to run again I guess.


Please tell me it goes to a non-corrupt judge after this, although, no matter what it probably goes to the Supreme Court regardless and they’ll bend over backwards to make it not matter for what former presidents do out of office and/or God Emperor Trump will just quash the whole thing because nothing will happen until after the election.


Voting is just another way for the government to track you. What do you think “Sleepy” Joe is gonna do to you after you vote for our Lord and Savior Donald J Trump on election day? Jack-booted thugs will be at your doorstep dragging your grandma out into the street, raping her, then shooting her right in front of you. They already tried to kill Trump once. Whatever you do, don’t go to the polls on Election day, that’s what They want. They already stole the election that way once before, they’ll do it again. Don’t vote, God will put Donald J Trump in the Whitehouse on Jan 6, 2025. Joe Biden will have a heart attack that day and Kamala Harris will be ruled unfit for office by the Supreme Court (look it up, it’s Article III · § 13 of the US Constitution, they have that ability). At that point, Donald J Trump will be called up by the House of Representatives and will assume the office of President.

Don’t vote, not now, not ever again.


Libertarians are basically right-wingers who also like to smoke weed and want legalization.


Time for Conservatives to play the reverse-uno victim card again. After stoking the flames of political violence for literally YEARS, they suddenly act shocked and horrified when political violence happens… but only because it was directed at their own. It’s not supposed to work like that, it’s supposed to be dumb liberals getting assaulted/killed without repercussions. Trump should’ve already been tried as a traitor and given the necessary punishment for that. That it took this long for something like this to happen is kind of mind-blowing. MAGA folks have already made assassination attempts on multiple other officials prior to this, including his former vice president.

"…for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” —Matthew 26:52


Looks like it’s the consequences of their own actions circling around again. Time to blame liberals/trans/minorities/foreigners/anybody else!


It’s like a double-sided Chess board mixed with Chutes & Ladders.


I’m actually in the first camp as well, I’d rather have some amount of control over who the opposition is, and I like to keep tabs on what kind of rhetoric/propaganda the other side is pushing on their base. It looks like the shooter may have been in this camp as well, based on the reporting I’ve seen. A BBC story notes he was a registered Republican, but that he had made a donation to a liberal political group, ActBlue, in 2021. So I think it’s probably going to be pinned on Democrats trying to be the violent ones, even though it has literally been Trump & co stirring up shit for years and basically guaranteeing that something like this would happen.


Right, because “both sides” have been talking about their plans for instituting a literal dictatorship when coming into power? “Both sides” tried to stage a violent coup to overthrow the peaceful democratic transfer of power? “Both sides” have talked in terms of violence against the other party for literally years now? Some people are “vilified” because they’re cunts and they’re actually evil people, people like Stalin, Idi Amin, Putin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Un, and Hitler. Trump has clearly thrown his lot in with that group of folks and if anything, is getting treated with kid gloves by the media. The shooting was years in the making and may very well likely not be the end of this drama. Trump is probably ecstatic about the whole thing anyways because of how much “ratings” he’s getting out of the whole thing.
