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4 points

To be blunt, there is way more toxicity and extreme views on Lemmy than on Reddit. I’ve seen worse things in 15 months of Lemmy than I’ve seen in 15 users of Reddit use.

4 points

I have to hard disagree. I went back to Reddit for a few days recently and the comments were a a cesspool of far-right views & alt-right views. It was like 50% off every comment section turned into r/TrueUnpopularOpinion, under any post that’s slightly political you’ll get downvoted for stating that trans people exist or that misogyny exists, and told how white people are disprivileged and discriminated against

The worst one by far though was under a pizzacake comic about how women dealing with dangerous/creepy men going after them frequently from childhood leads to them being extremely cautious/scared of men, which men then take as the woman being a bitch. You can only imagine how heated that got and the brigade of conservatives and centrists defending the conservatives lol

1 point

My feeling is Lemmy and Reddit both suck terribly. Reddit has the advantage of having more people, so left-leaning subreddits are just larger by default, and there is a higher population of people who aren’t white IT guys. Lemmy users, in my experience, are also sexist, transphobic etc, but are very eloquent about it and mods will jump on you for telling a transphobe they’re an asshole. Lemmy is up it’s ass on “civility” rules, but these are enforced unequally depending on what opinions you are sharing. Basically if you downplay genocide but say it without swearing, that is considered somehow more civil than telling transphobes to fuck off.

1 point

Just curious, are you on Hexbear? isn’t federated with them so you may not have seen their posts/posters. They’re pretty harsh on transphobes and are one of the best trans spaces i’ve been on.




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