Facts: workforce participation rate never recovered from 2007, the cost of medical insurance/tuition/housing have all outpaced wage growth of all but the wealthiest people, meanwhile the earning ratio between the lowest paid and high paid workers have exploded.
You can call me any nasty name you want but we are in a recession. When I start seeing those numbers I listed change is when I will stop saying that.
Thank you for perfectly illustrating my point. We are NOT in a recession. I don’t know the correct terminology to describe the facts you’ve laid out but “recession” is not it.
Pretty sure I used the correct word. If economists need a safe space away from it I am sure their banker friends can pay someone else to build it for them, you know with my money.
You’re wrong and ignoring everything you’ve been told to rationalize your feelings and direct your resentment. You don’t get to re-define words because you’re upset.
“Recession” is a specific word based on specific measurements. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/recession.asp
The problem is that you’re angry at the wrong thing. As I said, there’s a lot to complain about and it would be nice if people knew what it was they were complaining about. Like, you’re yelling at Netflix because you don’t like that HBO is now called MAX.