“Difficulty or inability”
So some degree of difficulty and/or some degree of inability. Assessed by someone. Subjectively. Which means that there is absolutely no point in trying to infer that somehow those who say they feel they have some degree of difficulty or inability may not, in your opinion as not a medical professional, over the internet, actually have the disorder they and/or their doctor feel they have.
tl;dr your statement is completely meaningless
What a long winded way to rephrase what I just said I wasn’t doing. I was making the point that if you don’t have clinically significant symptoms you don’t have a disorder. That’s it. Every other point you’ve made us a wild supposition.
Nice gaslight Herr Doktor.
Your statement is meaningless. It’s just as meaningless as saying you didn’t diagnose the absence of a disorder.
I honestly don’t even know what you’re trying argue with me about at this point. Do you hold the position that a subclinical set of symptoms is a disorder? Because that’s what I disagree with. If not, then what exactly is at issue beyond your imagination of my position?