Basically, jobs that destroy your body, so you can’t work past 55 anyway.
Or you transition to an owner/management role so that you can stop punishing your body in your 40s
That’s the wonderful thing about trade work, you can just become an owner. Then you train young people, they beat up their bodies for a bit and then they become an owner. That is the idea behind apprenticeships. Or you join a Union who will protect you and make sure the owner of the company does the bare minimum and take care of the health and safety of their employees. Or you go a different route and consult. Or find a niche and start selling products that were hard for you to find but are needed in your industry.
People who boo hoo on trade work are in the same vein as the ones who say you need a college degree to be successful. A lot of people have made a really good living out of trade work and they don’t have to “destroy their bodies”
Then be smart about it. The money you saved from not paying for college can go into a retirement account. When your body is “destroyed” you have retirement income.
That’s not really a solution though, right? It’s more like a minimal survival mechanism restricted to those privileged with financial literacy and good discipline/planning in a system where people are (paradoxically) forced to trade their health for livelihood. Many, many people will fall short of such a bar through no fault of their own.
All I’m hearing are excuses man. You can’t do it because you don’t have financial literacy? Then get literate in finances. You guys will go to school to learn all these things to get a job but won’t take the time and learn how to budget, save, understand credit, how to manage money. They didn’t teach these things in school when I was in grade school so after fucking up with student loans I took the time to buy some books and learn it. It’s not rocket science and you have to deal with money every day so learn how to manage it properly.
Next there’s discipline and planning. Why can’t you be discipline with your future? You just want to spend recklessly and expect the state to have your back when you get older? Do you really think there will be any assistance from the state when you retire? Do you even trust the state to take care of you without strings attached?
I’m tired of people complaining about this “back breaking labor”. It will break your back if you aren’t safe about the work. The same is true for these office jobs except it’s mind numbing work. You can get very unhealthy just sitting down in front of a computer all day for years. You can get burned out for working too many hours trying to reach a deadline. At least the back breaking work has unions. In both situations you will trade your health for a livelihood.
As if sitting at a desk all day doesn’t destroy your body.
I’ll pick a physically active job any day of the week. If you choose not to wear your gloves, knee pads, ear defenders, goggles etc. it’s on you.