Meh, most insurance does what it says on the tin, just read your policies carefully before you sign. Car insurance has absolutely saved my financial ass twice and life insurance has protected numerous families financially after the death of a loved one
Health insurance is a bunch of bullshit though because it shouldn’t exist at all and the words Healthcare industry should have never been brought together.
That’s what I mean. We pay so much in taxes that everything should be taken care of for us. We have been deceived into thinking that we can’t possibly pay for all of this. Money is nothing to the US government.
Don’t know why they think their anecdotal experience means homeowners insurance isn’t a scam. Ask those homeowners in Staten island after hurricane sandy how great their insurance was
Comparing “routine” claims, like your house burning down to random chance, to a disaster zone affecting hundreds of homes all at the same time is comparing apples to oranges.
Realistically, it should be the government taking care of claims in this situation for freak disasters and covering for people to relocate if the area is deteriorating and expected to have more and more disasters due to things like climate change.
Well, insurance itself isn’t a scam. There are just a lot of shitty insurance companies who have found a way to profit by not actually following through. Conceptually, it makes sense. But it shouldn’t be a profit driven business.