She’s my little warrior queen. She’s thougher than a bix of nails always trying to get her way.
Niniane is unhappy and has been hiding under the bed and hissing ever since we got home. She’s curled up on the heating pad at the foot of the bed and she seems content woth that for now. She keeps hissong at Bou though. Definitely does not want to deal with her right now.
She keeps hissong at Bou though.
Our older cat did that when we got our kitten spayed even though he’s been neutered for years, turns out the anesthesia and other surgical chemicals (like for sterilization) really screw with the cats scent so other family cats freak out because they can’t recognize the scent any more even though they look familiar
Should wear off within 48 hours
They have a life changing surgery and when they go back home everyone hates them 🥺