This is funny because an “elder statesperson” is valuable because they’ve been in the room for allllll the dirt, over decades. They are a walking blackmail bomb and are tolerated because they can call in “favors” when compromise is really really needed.
Edit whoever downvoted this, care to comment? If you think this was a “yay pelosi” comment you’re wrong.
I’ve heard that some apps may make it a little too easy for some users to accidentally up/down vote without realizing. I’ve definitely caught a few accidental votes myself, so I’m not sure how many more I didn’t notice. Also, totally random anecdote, but the pockets in my “house pants” have a weird fabric that combined with the on body detection to keep my phone unlocked sometimes allows my thighs to “butt dial” if I put my phone in my pocket with the screen facing my body, and I’m sure other people have similar stories about accidental inputs, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Hi. Not the downvoter, but I’ll weigh in. I get single downvotes on a lot of my comments. Comments that I can’t see a single reason TO downvote. One time somebody was a single downvote to me say “what?” after a guy went on a long long rant that didn’t say anything of value.
The point is, on Lemmy, I’m convinced there’s a single guy, who just goes around downvoting EVERYTHING. Because I notice the trend isn’t just MY posts. It’s all over Lemmy.
So somewhere, out there in the world, is one guy, in what I assume is a dirty trailer, just downvoting everything, because he’s miserable.