I used to believe that the Cuba embargo is due to Cuban refugee vote in Florida.
But that doesn’t make sense anymore given that Florida is no longer a swing state. In fact it never really made sense since the demo that is very pro-embargo has always been solidly Republican and therefore unwinnable.
So what really explains the embargo? Quite frankly I think it’s banana republic foreign policy and wealthy people in the US not wanting there to be a successful socialist state. For instance, the recent energy crisis in Cuba is driven by the Biden administration sanctioning oil tankers who visit the island. Why on earth would the supposedly pro-Cuba democrats do that? Who asked them to do that? Who had the clout to make them do that? Some losers in Florida who were going to vote for Trump in a red state anyway?
This is correct, the US takes the threat of a good example very seriously, and has meddled in every single attempt at building any state, not only communist ones, that refuse to be controlled by US capitalists.
NGL kinda shocked that the CIA wasn’t involved with the Argentine junta.
EDIT: It was! Your map needs more red on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Argentine_coup_d’%C3%A9tat