The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.
Wow, Dems actually exercised power in a legal manner to improve their chances. That is wild. Hope they don’t break their backs slapping themselves.
They will always do it so long as it weakens the left. The DNC exists to badger any left of center movement toward their center right position, and even put DNC funds to extremist right winger campaigns boosting Christian nationalist platforms… learning nothing from clintons pied piper failures only pushing us all closer to a fascist hellscape just to say guess we vote blue since we have nowhere else to go. Fuck Jill Stein and all but this is the exact shit that leaves me voting for literally any socialist instead.
And the left exists to siphon votes towards the right. See? Unsubstantiated claims work both ways.
Its funny because Jill Stein being a shill is an unsubstantiated claim too.
I mean I agree with everything you said about democrats, but I don’t view voting as some endorsement of a system or party. I vote for the conditions I want to organize under.
Fair enough. Thats why I usually downballot blue too. At best it prevents local rightwingers from gaining momentum and at worst it gives the DNC enough rope to hang themselves with.
I only see the system changing in two scenarios short of civil war or coup. Either the dnc will lose and all the less privileged libs who wont collaborate with the fash join the fight, creating an actual resistance OR the dems will sweep a super majority and continue to enact right wing policies for the entire term with no excuses, disenfranchising young voters and creating a vacuum for a third party.