The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.
Do you often make arguments up in your own head so you can feel like you won?
I don’t. But you sure do lol.
Kamala campaigns with a war criminal (Dick Cheney).
When pressed you people turn Dick into his daughter. It’s pretty entertaining watching you flail around so much. Please , go on.
So you never actually read any responses and just went with whatever narrative fit your world view? Seems sad. Anyway Google Harris dick Cheney and pick your favorite propaganda outlet, even Fox says it’s real and a step towards biaprtisanship that hurts trump somehow
Cheney endorses Kamala… starts speaking out against Trump, and Kamala starts praising Dick Cheney saying he’s one of the good ones and then goes on tour with Liz Cheney his daughter who has never renounced her father’s war crimes. Yeah, okay… totally, that is normal to have a war criminal endorse you and then boast about it and praise them afterwards.
Uh huh, anyways. Let’s see those campaign photos or videos of Dick Chaney with Harris.
We’ll wait.
Again, pick up a dictionary. Campaigning together doesn’t mean that they have to be seen together. It can be Dick Cheney doing public interviews saying how he’s voting for Harris, while Harris is praising him saying:
And that she’s honored to have their endorsement:
My favorite is the lady standing behind her while she calls Dick Cheney a leader who is well respected with wide eyes like “Kamala, why are you so stupid to say that and do it in front of me?!?”