Germany’s 2nd most spoken language is English, by 32% of the population.
Germany’s 3rd most spoken language is French, by 9% of the population.
France’s 2nd most spoken language is English, by 24% of the population.
France’s 3rd most spoken language is Spanish, by 9% of the population.
UK’s 2nd most spoken language is French, by 16% of the population.
UK’s 3rd most spoken language is German, by 5% of the population.
While you could say that France is a bit behind the curve in comparison with most other Northern European countries, native English speakers are far worse at learning any other language. I’m not even French, but the circle-jerk English speaking communities have about French people sometimes gets pretty embarrassing.
The point is precisely that they are very capable and do speak the language, but they sometimes refuse to.
And yes, it’s also a meme.