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-1 points

Given that I don’t follow stardom, or know any of these people, I’m gonna need a bit of context here.

You’re saying this Japanese female wrestler did something in storyline in stardom to turn heel, and this guy paid money to get autographs just to try to piss her off?

If I have the context right, then I don’t feel bad for her. I feel like she should feel proud of herself. Thats called working the marks. Thats old school as FUCK!!! Thats like 80s old school.

3 points

Except it’s not the 1980’s any more, and anyone of average intelligence knows wrestling results/storylines are predetermined. By the booker.

Regardless of your garbage take of “she should be proud”, a “fan” made the conscious decision to harass an entertainer for events that were, more than likely, not her decision. Which is not okay in any context.

-1 points

It’s like an actor who people yell shit at on the street. If you’ve ever seen Archer, people will drive by in cars and yell “DANGER ZONE!!!” at him passing by. Which doesn’t sound like much, until you see what H Jon Benjamin looks like. If you aren’t a fan of his, uou would not suxpect he’s even a celebrity. And so people around him just hear someone yell “DANGER ZONE!!!” and start freaking out like it’s a bomb threat.

Or like that other celebrity who had someone ask if his scene where they cut off his head was real. So he just said “yes”.

It just means their performances were so gripping that people BELIEVED in it, despite being clearly a performance.

Like those people who wrote death threats on twitter to the writers of Orange is the new Black, when they killed Posey in season 4. They were citing BLM movements, and racism. Then the actress who played Posey had to respond to say she’s not dead, just out of a job.

That’s why I say this Stardom wrestler worked the marks. She got them to pay money, just to say some shit. After 3 minutes they’re taken away, and she keeps their $20 or whatever. And she knows she “got 'em”

3 points

If I have the context right

You do not, you have the context horribly, horribly wrong lmao.

She’s a face, she did nothing to turn heel. Her face faction which she led was effectively disbanded (technically, reduced down to only herself being allowed to remain with everyone else forced to leave per the rules of the match) because her faction lost a faction v faction match against the big heel faction. And now the embarrassing Internet wrestling community has begun bullying her online and in real life because ‘she let her faction down’, which isn’t acceptable and is pretty fucking embarrassing.

2 points

Ok…THAT is completely different than what I was defending. That’s just saaaaaad. Not on her part. More like in a “ITS STILL REAL TO ME, DAMMIT!!!” kind of way. Which was hilarious, because of how sad he is.

2 points

Same kind of people bullying her are the type who bullied Stardom’s Hana Kimura into suicide a few years ago because of shit that happened on a reality show she was on (which she was told to do by the shows producers)




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