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37 points

They going to tear open the battery while they are at it? It’s not like there’s going to be a small lump labeled “RDX” with wires sticking out of it.

While they’re at it, why not incorporate the explosive into the body of the device? Has no one else seen Up in Smoke?

7 points

You could get a new battery from a known good source (or light a couple on fire to make sure they’re not explosive). It should be relatively easy to check the rest of the components for anything near a dangerous amount of explosive, and the body can be replaced with a custom one and/or subjected to the fire test.

8 points

Even a fire test may not produce accurate results (see C4). Better to not have distinct supply lines from the civilian population you’re already hiding in.

16 points

I suspect that’s not far off from what Israel did, from my understanding they modified a device’s at a production level, it sounds like they essentially redesigned the pager.

It will be interesting to see how they did it with the radios.

6 points

They designed into the circuit boards an actual Nano Ford Pinto

32 points

I feel like a broken record reminding people that the TAO (Tailored Access Operations, now Computer Network Operations), part of the NSA, has been doing this for 20 years. Except they implant spyware instead of explosives. Probably.

5 points

Porqué no los dos?

9 points

This predates the NSA, but they blew up a Russian pipeline with modified software.




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