I think this is a strong argument to legalize prostitution to provide legal recourse and protection for anyone in the profession who’s getting forced into the work.
I agree with this statement. Sex work should be legalized, not least of which for protecting everyone involved. However… something to keep in mind is that… hundreds of thousands… is not that large a percentage of men. Even if you assume it’s 900,000 men, the total number of people in the US is 350 million- meaning that 900k is 0.25%. granted, I’m blending men and women- there’s plenty of women who also buy trafficked slaves as well. but if you figure half the people in the use are men, and it’s only men doing it… that’ still…half a percent.
I can’t believe there are enough customers for all this trafficking.
In this world of incels and similar men who think they are entitled to sex, I can entirely believe it.
I didn’t say I didn’t believe, but I felt context was necessary to the ‘hundreds of thousands’.
It’s not even a single percentage of people in the US. if we assume it’s only men, it’s barely half a percentage of men in the US.
You’re only going on the numbers in this article tho. There are other instances of trafficking that raise those numbers exponentially.
Inquiry must validate stories of indigenous women prostituted on ships: NWAC