Gay people get to reclaim that word from people who want to use it as a pejorative.
Sure, but fag isn’t one. Queer at least has an actual use case scenario compared to fag. Unless you’re making an effigy or smoking in certain regions. The meaning the word has no intrinsic reason to be gated if you want it to be a real word.
and what if my use case is self denigrating myself for the purposes of humorous shitposting. Seems perfectly appropriate in this use case as far as i can tell.
If that’s how you get off, but not encouraged in a public space. I do it all the time. I’m not saying censor yourself around folks over this one word.
I’m saying compared to it’s history and how it can be used, it doesn’t have much space for common talk. Queer is able to be a concept that is useful to bridge slurs. It’s able to converted into something. Fag however just had a hateful history in the internet because America.
I’m talking about it completely objectively.
LGBTx communities with young folks for example are those who don’t know the value and the difficulty. It’s taken for granted. The word just shouldn’t be promoted in positive light openly, but talked about it’s history openly of talked about with those you’d like to use.
Dude why am I explaining manners and not being a bad impression on kids in private spaces/platforms.