No there was a difference. It’s subtle. But it is there. Libertarians with the capital L is a noun. Whereas libertarian with a lowercase l is an adjective. Nouns and adjectives are different. Nouns can be applied to places things and people. Whereas adjectives are generally descriptive of those places things and people.
So it is entirely possible for someone to call themselves Libertarian but not be libertarian. If I named my dog Communism, would my dog be communist? Libertarians rely on this ambiguation as a cover for their true beliefs. And to hear and destroy the reputation of their enemies. People who are actually libertarian.
I did detect a bit of sarcasm due to my misunderstanding of context. So my bad, but let’s try to refrain from that. I’m not going to be sarcastic with you, but I digress…
Do you have an argument for what else I said?
No, no sarcasm intended. My apologies if it came off that way.
Like anarchists, libertarian minded people believe in equity. And will fight for everyone to have it. Not just themselves. Libertarians will claim they value equity. But wouldn’t lift a finger to ensure others had it.
Nouns are capitalized wherever they appear in a sentence. I used it as an adjective applied to a group of people who espouse actual libertarian values.