Personally, I urge the impeachment of Judge Cannon… amongst a sea of corrupt officials they truly are someone who stands head and shoulders above the rest.
People need to show up, vote, and flip the house.
If we can flip the house and keep the senate, she can be impeached. She can’t be impeached now, because the corrupt folks that wanted her are protecting her.
I can’t believe that anyone appointed by Trump is allowed to preside over Trump the defendant. That’s the most blatant conflict of interest I’ve ever heard. It’s cartoonishly corrupt.
Lawyers on podcasts I listen to have said it’s normal and OK, but that Cannon is the exception who’s making it look worse than usual. She’s clearly in the tank for Trump. I’d also like to see her impeached.
I can’t believe they’re allowed to keep their positions when they were given those positions by a literal traitor to the nation. Same with his shitty policies.
Corrupt detective’s cases are all put on hold and past ones looked over when found corrupt. Why isn’t the fucking presidency any different? It should be more prevalent in this case.
She is so blatantly biased. I wonder if even this Supreme Court would back her up.
With Joe stepping down and a surge of support for Kamala, is there a point where the Supreme Court has to accept they’re not winning this time and switch to clean house of people who overplayed their hand?
What? No, definitely not. They’re appointed for life and don’t have to give a shit about anything Kamala could possibly do.
(Well, short of using the immunity they gave Trump to Seal Team Six them, I guess, but no Democrat is likely to do that and they know it.)
She seems to have been advised by Clarence Thomas on this, so the idea to do this came from the supreme court.
Thomas did not definitively answer the question, but U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon echoed his approach to Trump’s election interference case
I don’t think anyone on the Court is as far right or as nakedly corrupt as Thomas. Just because he’s advising her, I wouldn’t take that as an endorsement from the full Court. He frequently writes concurring opinions that go way beyond anyone else.