You know, there comes a point when you should also realize the shit you cause other people when you just spew stuff online.
Take a break once in a while dude.
Take a break and do what exactly? I can’t walk more than half an hour without having to rest for two. Like I told you, I’m a mistake.
I also have nothing else worth doing and almost no one else to talk to. I may not deserve to live, but that doesn’t mean I’m not lonely.
But yes, you have already made it clear that you agree with my self-assessment. Anything more you wish to tell me about me?
Watch tv, read a book, play video games, learn a job you can do while sitting a computer.
Come on dude, take a little personal accountability, I’m dealing with multiple disabilities myself, I don’t use it as an excuse to be a miserable dick online.
I can’t not be what I am not. I can’t not be horrible and worthless and don’t deserve to be alive. We already established you agree, so why are you continuing this?