But one compiling error is Java is 7 run time errors in python.
There is a type error and you couldn’t have known it beforehand? Thanks for nothing
I will confess that I get a sense of psychological comfort from strict typing, even though everyone agrees Python is faster for a quick hack. I usually go with Haskell for quick stuff.
And then the quick hack gets a permanent solution and the next employee has to fight trough the spagetti.
This may be true, but it’s equally true in any programming language, so not really relevant.
I find Python is quick for the first 30 minutes. If you need any kind of libraries, or assistance from an IDE, or a distribution build, or you’re more familiar with another language, then it isn’t quicker.
If you need any kind of libraries
PyPI has a huge selection of libraries
assistance from an IDE
PyCharm a super powerful IDE, VSCode has tons of Python extensions that L rival PyCharm’s functionality, lots of other IDEs have decent python support
or a distribution build
Not sure exactly what you mean by this
or you’re more familiar with another language
Yeah this can be said about any language. “You’re quickest in the language you’re most familiar with”. That’s basically a tautology.
With type annotations, this problem is mostly alleviated in practice, while still keeping the productivity gains of duck typing.
In my experience, Python’s type annotations are annoying as hell, because there’s no inference.
I find it’s possible to operate Python as a statically typed language if you wanted, though it takes some setup with external tooling. It wasn’t hard, but had to set up pyright, editor integration, configuration to type check strictly and along with tests, and CI.
I even find the type system to be far more powerful than how I remembered Java’s to be (though I’m not familiar with the newest Java versions).
Did everyone become stupid in the last 10 or so years? We used to write huge apps in Python without any type checkers or static analysis tools and never had any problems we wouldn’t have had in statically typed languages.