Actual poster from 1917 that made me laugh. A lot.
Also, those motherfuckers are measuring the weight of those balls in kilograms, aren’t they?
I believe in some countries in the world, the year goes first, then the month, then the day (2024/08/08 or 2024, August 8). Seems more logical to me than the literal inverse (08/08/2024 or 8 August 2024).
But yeah, the metric system reigns supreme.
Year, month, day is the most logical. I’ll stand by month, day, year as being more logical than day, month, year because it’s somewhat more sorted lol.
How in the world is (month/day/year) more sorted than (day/month/year)? I see two use-cases: Sorting things chronologically, in which case you want YYYY/MM/DD, or referring to nearby dates, where the year or even month can be assumed known implicitly, in which case you use DD/MM/YYYY. In no sane world does MM/DD/YYYY make sense.
Because the first digit in each of the numbers is larger than the second digit it would be the triple inverted pyramid as shown, where the larger numbers correspond to larger sub-pyramids and larger digits correspond to the larger side of the sub-pyramid.
The colored text and marks on the pyramids are to show that.