I know a significant number of “alpha males” would rather lick a boot than getting their mouths anywhere near a clit, because they’re super alpha and macho and dicks go inside vaginas and bla bla bla
I know a significant number of “alpha males” would rather lick a boot than getting their mouths anywhere near a clit, because they’re super alpha and macho and dicks go inside vaginas and bla bla bla
A place to share activist and polemical art (visual and textual art with a critical social message).
Didactic, informatively conceptual arts imply collective action, encouraging us to make the world a better place.
Street art, murals, stickers, zines, and other forms of eye-catching arts can be shared with others and discussed here.
You may include photos of your own or other’s artworks displayed in public.
Art opposing the Right Wing is the so far the most popular.
Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing and discussing what is shared!
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