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That was the Framers’ intention. It was not for a hunting permit. Do you have a better idea about how to enforce the self-preservation of liberty and freedom from tyranny when the tyrannical government is armed and disposed to use force against a subjugated population? How would you prevent another King George? Say you don’t like Trump and he has all the top guns as the next POTUS and decided to declare a military dictatorship? Sure, they have the most powerful weapons but lawyers aren’t going to help. Wouldn’t you rather fight for freedom than lay down and die in the camps?


Unfortunately, Tinder doesn’t work and that is helpful to get in touch with the ladies. That app is too hell bent on location data which GOS handles more privately.

NFC should work, it is just scheduled to be deactivated after 3 months if not used for security reasons.

I think GOS is very user friendly and has many positive privacy and security enhancements. I would like to see if they can surpass sandboxed Google Play and officially support other repositories and updaters like Accrescent. Also, a standard way of securing traffic beyond encrypted DNS would be good such as a tor client like Orbot.

Looking into the Veilid ecosystem might also be a source for further development ideas.


cops rape women https://lemmy.world/post/18575648 https://lemmy.world/post/18575698

state cops rape children https://lemmy.world/post/18575832

police molest kids https://lemmy.world/post/19476649

feds sexually abuse kids https://lemmy.world/post/17743101

We know who they are, really. They murdered women and children abroad in the military and then they become cops and government workers at domestically, considering US Citizens to be a subjugated (not dominant) population and then they think they can get away with raping our kids.


PID kill! Great one!


tor (TBB) doesn’t work for everything and most people want something fast and convinient that only takes clicking a few buttons to get working. They will think it is too much work.

I recommend Brave browser which can use tor in private browsing mode but also has a regular browser with encrypted DNS (cloudflare, https strict, and shields) for things like banking, shopping, and online accounts (that might help to have a password manager for).

Also, Tor browser does not have any passthrough for security keys but Brave based on chromium does. Tor browser does not have a password manager.

Firejail should work on a profile for Brave as sandboxing is always helpful. TBB can be sandboxed easily, however.

This “multi-tiered” approach would be better for most people who aren’t just accessing a handful of onionsites that replace or are in opposition to an entirely different set of services than those usually accessed on the conventional internet (online banking, social media, a few publication sites, and a search engine).


I always knew ACAB could be stated with mathematical precision!



They made a mistake. As history proves, a big one. But any technical company could. So did the makers of cyclon. Apple or Windows could. The AI could exterminate us all as useless humans with low worth. The values of the current CEO should matter if they translate into real world policies, such as, defending human rights.
