I’m so fucking tires of these stereotypes based on nothing at all. I’m 40 years old and haven’t stopped jumping to touch that shit.
Many folks don’t take care of themselves and think it’s normal to hurt. Health is possible even when working manual labor, or having little free time and money.
This comment has nothing to do with congenital deformity or traumatic injury causing lasting damage.
Edit wtf is this ratio, I’m agreeing with the above
Homie, to the rest of us it doesn’t even look like you meant to reply to that comment
The above jumps and is active and over 40. I agree you can do that. It’s not age.
Edit point is many here are saying 40.+ Jumping = death. That’s dumb.
A lot of people seem to fail to realize (or at least fail to realize until its too late) that every muscle of the body is “use it or lose it” but also (barring significant disability/atrophy) you can rebuild those muscles with enough training and practice, and it’s always easier to maintain the muscles than to rebuild them