Politics are gonna politic, and there’s always going to be someone against something, even if I’d seems like a no-brainer.
If the intent was a living wage then why did FDR champion the $0.25 bill instead of the AFL backed $0.40 bill? He had veto proof majority for its passing. The politics was pretending minimum wage wage was intended to be a living wage.
Because politics is just as much about cooperation as it is about passing legislation.
What you’re leaving out is the veto-proof majority he had was a result of compromises due to opposition from Southern States and previous attempts at similar bills being struck down by the Supreme Court.
$0.25 is more than half of the AFL backed $0.40 figure you gave, so considering he had to compromise to appeal to the minority AND Supreme Court it’s actually not a bad floor.
Once again, just because it wasn’t the ideal amount on day 1 doesn’t mean the original intent was a lie. What a dumb hill to die on.
Then why was he able to get it to $0.30 a year later or $0.40 in 1945?
You still have not provided any supporting evidence that the minimum wage was intended to be a living wage, all you have is some guy said it so it must be true.
Then why was he able to get it to $0.30 a year later or $0.40 in 1945?
Because negotiations can happen with any new legislation, and the US votes every 2 years to elect or re-elect members of congress. Therefore the political landscape can vary greatly within a 2 year span and it can be easier or harder with each congress to pass or amend certain laws. There are 7 years between 1938 and 1945, enough time for the political landscape to change multiple times.
This is a great example of why we need better education in this country. This is some constitution 101 shit.
And yes, I provided a direct quote from FDR saying as much. You just didn’t like it. We back to circling around things you don’t want to accept, Jimbo?