My cousin Donald now goes by his middle name.
His quote: “man, fuck that yankee piece of shit.”
Sadly, half of voting Americans think you’re a fascist, Chinese bot.
Or a woke commie queer groomer in drag.
Why not both?
I mean, I can be a woke queer, fascist, Chinese groomer in drag that’s a bot, can’t I? It’s a free country ;)
You could, but I’d imagine your therapist sending you a fruit cake every year at christmas as a thank you for latest new lambo you funded
Trump isn’t a proper representation of a New Yorker. I doubt he even likes baseball.
I still don’t understand how a bunch of Southern, trailer park rednecks who hate new York city rich people, decided that a Manhattan millionaire was the guy to vote for. Why do they think he’s anything like them or has why idea how they live? He’s literally a northern, cartoonish carpet bagger.
I’m sure there’s deeper takes on this but from my understanding, it’s a mix of things: 1) he convinced them he’s not like other politicians (which is true, he was not a politician at all) and 2) he convinced them he’s the “pull yourself up by the jockstrap” American dream and everyone can be like him - that’s just the typical American lie they’ve been using for decades if not longer. Then sprinkle a little bit of christofacist fear mongering in there and you got some undereducated folks excited to see someone who’ll “fight” for their American dream.
I’m guessing either a brit, an aussie who hates rhyming slang, or a VERY unwilling to adapt southerner.