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Plans like this work great for the first couple of weeks. Turns out software engineering isn’t this simple fucking thing. Making anything beyond a toy takes actual work. There are lots of people learning this first hand right now. There is some kind of belief that ChatGPT version 0.1+ (whatever ships in 2 weeks) will be able to take over the job of software development entirely. Well, guess what? Doing anything relatively complex in software takes actual intelligence. Once there is an AI that can just code by itself, it will also be smart enough to be a doctor, civil engineer, consultant, etc.

A lot of fucking companies are going to learn this first hand. They are either firing their staff thinking the AI wave is already here, and in reality, it may never come.

The near future of AI is skilled software engineers using AI to augment their productivity. By the time you can take the human out of the loop, AI will be so powerful it will slay any white collar job, but this won’t be for years and years and years and by then it won’t just be software that is in trouble as a career; it will be many, many industries.


Mother fucker, HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO DO ALL OF THIS CRAP!! un-fucking-believable!

Hahaha but that’s when they say “oh he was just trolling” or “wow, you liberals can’t even tell he was joking!”


“The function of that police action, those interventions in Central America and the Middle East, is system sustaining. It is to maintain that overall system. You don’t look at the particular cost. I can demonstrate to you that in every single bank robbery, the cost of the police was more than the actual money that the robbers took from the bank. Does that mean there’s no economic interest involved? They’re not protecting the banks? No! Of course it’s economic; of course they’re defending the banks. If they didn’t stop that bank robbery, regardless of the cost, it could jeopardize the entire banking system. There are people who believe that the function of the police is to fight crime. That’s not true; the function of the police is social control and protection of property.”

Michael Parenti


Represented with great honor in this new legislation is the humble American crow – the true reflection of our nation’s soul. For what is the bald eagle but a symbol of outdated pomp and a government that’s too busy patting itself on the back? The bald eagle, after all, has been perched atop its perch since 1782 – a symbol of a country that’s more concerned with conserving its own status than doing anything to actually improve itself.

Meanwhile, the American crow is out here living its best life. It’s always scheming, always scrounging for scraps in the garbage of society. It’s a bird of the people – and by people, I mean those of us who are still trying to make ends meet while the fat cats at the top continue to feast on the nation’s wealth.

It’s also a symbol of our nation’s laziness. The bald eagle may be proud of its slow, majestic flight, but we’re more proud of being able to do absolutely nothing for hours on end without any consequences. We’re a country that can’t even be bothered to show up to its own problems – and the American crow is the perfect representation of that.

Furthermore, have you seen the state of our national parks? A bunch of underfunded, neglected monstrosities that are more like a symbol of our own institutionalized apathy than anything we’d want to attract. It’s like the bald eagle is just trying to pretend we’re better than we are.

Meanwhile, the American crow is out here building its own infrastructure – a nest made of whatever it can scrounge up, with twigs and trash and other people’s detritus. That’s the American way – we don’t need no fancy-schmancy ‘bald eagle’ perched on some government-mandated pedestal; we’ve got our American crow, proudly wallowing in its own mediocrity.

So let’s be real, folks – the next time you see an American crow, that’s what we’re really looking at. That’s what we are as a country: lazy, corrupt, and proud of it.


If you want to open your eyes even more, check out the neat overlap between commercial real estate and large businesses that require an office. Often, it’s one and the same, so it’s easy to see why they wouldn’t want their buildings nearly empty.


Elon is busy turning X back into an echo chamber, except the pendulum has swung to the other side. It’s a shame people find such solace in echo chambers – intellectualism does not progress if you only speak with people you agree with. Indeed, it narrows conversation and thought so much it just turns into a circle jerk.

Guess what? The real world is nasty and dirty and you are never going to agree with everyone. A preschool isn’t as safe a space as what Elon wants to (re)create.


I had the opportunity to visit Detroit in 2017 at the height of the USA. It was a hell-hole. Capitalism doesn’t work.


To keep this in context, this was a softball discussion with Trump from 2019 where he made some stupid throwaway comment about some supposed commonalities between the USA and Italy. If this annoys you THIS BADLY I don’t know what to say. Pick like any of the 50 things Trump did this week and they are more relevant than this trashy article.

A wise man once told me “you must choose your battles” and for me, this is one of those times. This is such low stakes stuff compared to all the other crap he is doing. Don’t let some lazy journalist distract you with this crap today. Look at some ACTUAL nasty things going on, like Trump talking about reducing Social Security. Save your rage for when it matters. If you let every lazy article that misquotes Trump rustle your jimmies like this, it’s going to be wildly unproductive.
