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You haven’t been looking in the right places then, I’ve been seeing it since I started working in IT nearly a decade ago.

It has definitely gotten crappier since I started though.

(Microsoft Admin whining incoming)

More and more snags related to implementation details of ancient functionality that still exists under the hood of their all new shiny crap, but isn’t actually documented properly anywhere anymore because rolling out new stuff is more important than finishing documentation on core sysadmin tools multiple years old.

They got rid of all training courses, certs, and learning material for all their on premise stuff in order to push cloud only setups years ago. They are just barely starting to backtrack that, so there’s a massive gap in official documentation.

Thank god my team has enough requisite greybeards to bridge the gap and train me on what Microsoft wants to pretend isn’t still in widespread use.


Pinned thread on this very community.


Thanks for the highlight.

As much as I despise them, that’s actually impressive. I wonder how long it will last.


Was this not obvious at the very least when his own board kicked him to the curb due to an inability to trust him?


Please don’t put words or intent on me. I’ve been very direct, and at the very least was not attempting to imply any such ideological agreement.

My minor point was to associate him with what appears to be the main source of his household income. No more, no less. Everyone can decide how much that means to them as they wish.


Judging from the excerpt quoted in my original comment, it has at least been renamed to StudioLab.

counts as him making points from an unsavoury position

Didn’t say that it did. It’s just something that I didn’t know until recently, that I have only seen brought up once in the decade plus of Cory being treated as an important source of truth in this sphere.

I’m not trying to say that it somehow makes him full of shit or anything. Personally it gives me pause about some of his previous rants, and casts a minor amount shade on his position. But I also personally feel that the merits of a point made matter significantly more than the source.

I intentionally said nothing more than the fact itself in my original comment. Everyone is welcome to decide how important or not it is to them personally.

It’s exactly the kind of thing that people tend to use to challenge someone’s position, so I understand the confusion. Just wish people would stop coming at me like I kicked their puppy for bringing it up.


you keep restating the seemingly-identical position

Yes, because it was literally the only thing I was trying to bring up, as I have stated repeatedly.

I’m not the one confused here. I’ve been straightforward about the incredibly minor point I was making. People should know who his wife works for, as it may influence their feelings on him.

Simple as. No more, no less.

Could it matter? Maybe. Maybe not.

Almost everyone responding is jumping to all sorts of conclusions about what I really meant by bringing it up. I just thought people should know the fact, as I had never seen it ever brought up until recently. For myself, it casts some of Cory’s previous rants in a different light, but I’m not actively trying to sway things in any direction here.

I am getting real tired of people responding with basic ass “gotchas” pointed at shit I didn’t say or bring up though, and declaring themselves some sort of winner in an argument I was never having.

Edit: Me responding so much is that I’m attempting to make it clear to every single chucklefuck. It really doesn’t have anything to do with investment, as I’m having an incredibly slow day. The investment is some stupid wish that I’m not being misunderstood, which seems inevitable at this point. More attempts at clarification that I wasn’t trying to impugn his credibility seem to mean the exact opposite due the little trap of “if you don’t care, why are you responding so much?”. Because I’m some degree of ASD and have trauma from childhood about being misunderstood. Chill.


Fun Fact: the current head of Google’s search is the same guy that was in charge of Yahoo’s search right before they folded their own search and just started licensing Bing.


If you’re tech inclined, look for tech positions at non-tech places. Sometimes they can be hell “we need you to be the entire technology division on the salary of a remote helpdesk worker”, but there are rare places where you get to help and do cool tech stuff without the constant “climb the ladder or die” bullshit.


… yes. I’m not an idiot, thank you for the implication otherwise though. That’s always nice.

Perhaps you’re not familiar with just how outspoken Cory has been about all of this sort of stuff over the years. I think his wife’s job is an important disclosure that has not been made, so I highlighted it. Same as a youtuber disclosing a video was a sponsorship, it could impact how their words should be interpreted, but it just as easily might not effect things in any significant way.

I’ve made my very minor point. I even specified in my initial comment that she is very likely involved with DRM, but not guaranteed to be.

I’d love to hear any counterpoints besides the effective equivalent of “how dare you point out a potential problem with our guy”.

Only you can decide how much or how little his wife’s job means. I just wanted people to be aware.
