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9 posts • 6 comments

Otaku, gamer, self-taught programming student and professional procrastinator from Brazil. In fact, I am procrastinating at this very moment. I love boomer shooters too.

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whoa! thanks a lot! that’s my mistake.

thanks for the awesome info, I should’ve at least check the repo of the individual projects first (only did so with Forgejo).

I totally agree with you, and do think that it is possible to have positive and harmless CLAs. though I do think we should always take a step back and not assume that a project’s CLA will be in favor of our copyright, with the case being more the exception than the norm, unfortunately.

in the end, I will always be happy that a copyright holder wants to be able to reliably make money with copyleft software, but I can never really face a CLA without at least initial hostility anymore. you may say I have prejudice against CLAs lol


always a pleasure to see big projects going full copyleft amidst the recent influx of projects sadly going source-available

this is the main reason not to sign a CLA (edit: both the aforementioned projects seem to adopt CLAs, though it seems that they aren’t hostile and are especially pro-copyleft. see this amazing correction by for context). you should not let a third-party use your copyright to restrict user freedom in the future because they swear “they ❤️ open source” now, and would never use your code to only their own benefit.


Celeste deeply impacted me. It immediately turned to be one of my favorite games of all time, even if I suck so badly at it (still hasn’t been able to beat the post-game content lol).

I use one of the beautiful official phone wallpapers (the pixelated one) available on the EXOK Games website. Highly recommend them!


Sou brasileiro, e apoio muito o estudo do português. É uma língua rica, complexa e linda. Para mim, não há obras literárias iguais aos clássicos brasileiros e portugueses, especialmente quanto ao belíssimo uso da língua portuguesa.

Amo Machado de Assis e recomendo muito as suas obras que, além de mostrarem a beleza do português, continuam intrigantes e divertidas. Também recomendo as obras de Fernando Pessoa, caso opte por um escritor português.


didn’t know that bunny girl senpai was getting another season. the show is pretty good imo, so that’s cool.

but most importantly I remember this show for introducing me to my favorite japanese band, the peggies. it’s a shame that they split up indefinitely some time ago. I already miss their stuff :P

I highly recommend them!


Highly recommend using tealdeer, a faster implementation in Rust

Honestly have no idea why the recommended client is the one made in Node.js. I understand why one would use it, but in my opinion it’s too slow for a command line utility
