It only takes about a tenth grade level of understanding physics and chemistry to make a decent device from scratch. With the access Americans have to over the counter explosives (tannerite) and arduinos you only need enough of an education to know how to copy and paste code. Relying on people being uneducated isn’t a good strategy because these things are extremely easy to make. I work with some people that I question whether or not they can read who build effective devices with little to no effort.
I take apart bombs, missiles and other explosive ordnance for a living, and sometimes we have to wrap certain components or fuzes in aluminum foil to lower the effects of RF on them for transport. The general rule I follow is if you could put it underwater and water would get in, then radio frequencies won’t be deadened. So if she wants to be protected then she would have to create a watertight seal around her head and do us all a favor.