As with all elections. The youth don’t come out, but the elderly do. Elections are decided by retired people.
A military takeover of the cities would last about 20minutes, if that, it’s against the HOA rules.
What happens when the wealthy home owners see their property values drop, because the army is on every corner, they’ll start calling their political reps.
This is a childish fantasy, the highest real estate values are in cities, the wealthiest people have homes in cities. It is a fantasy of the Republic base, that tends not to live in large urban centers.
Another bullshit article spouting the same bullshit “Expand Career and Technical Education: Increase investment in vocational schools and CTE programs that provide hands-on learning and practical skills. Studies show that boys who attend technical high schools can see earnings up to a third higher. These programs prepare students for high-demand careers in trades like electrical work, plumbing and carpentry.”
It’s all about creating good worker bees.
What is needed; 1)Free universal healthcare for all people, not dependent on anyone’s job. 2)Housing for all homeless people. 3)Funded food banks.
What is needed for education: 1)Better funding.
What is needed for the lower middle class: 1)Laws that allow for unionization. 2)Nationalization of many of the key industries such as railways, ports, hospitals. 3)Insurance such as home and auto through public government bodies. 4)A national, public, bank that has a high interest saving’s account and no bank fees.
In a years time, will learn that rich billionaires like Elon Musk are propping up this stock. Think of all the speculators playing this stock because it’s so volatile.
Interesting that Point Break (1991) and The Matrix (1999) book ended the decade. Point Break focuses on white 20 something kids that dropped out and started surfing, the The Matrix focuses on a 30ish white guy going through an existential crisis. At the beginning of the 90s there was still some hope, that a person could find a small counter-culture and create if not a wealthy life, of something satisfying. By 1999 all hope was gone.