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Thanks for confirmation. After all, Shaders ARE actually shared; which is a good thing. Maybe for certain games its no longer needed to have Shader pre-compilation enabled. Because games does it themselves or maybe because the download of the compiled shaders from Valve (or collected ones) they come to conclusion the pre-compilation option is no longer needed? It’s hard to say if people do not explain their recommendation. It’s also not a straight forward and easy thing to test, so people can easily end up with wrong conclusions.

As for the annoying factor, every update requires pre-compilation (if enabled and only those games that need it off course). And if you have lot of games installed, it can be really annoying too.


it depends. Its not like every user and question requires a new account. There was a time where these companies had a Reddit group instead Discord. Its the same effort to create an account one time, but then it can be reused. Also there is this login with existing accounts (like Google or other methods), as a secondary option.

If we are speaking about a dedicated forum, that’s another thing. But since I gave up Reddit and because Fediverse is small, I started back creating accounts for forums. But only if really want to be part of it. But yes, agreed this is not convenient and Discord has a plus point here. Also Discord is integrated in other services as well (I think on game consoles, not sure).

I see its pros and cons and why its successful. Also there is no better alternative for what it does. I’m just critical about the negative impact of it. I’m so glad that StackOverflow is not close like Discord.


Yes. That’s the benefit of having a single hardware to target. Same goes for consoles. They obviously know the hardware (like in Steam Deck’s case) and can precompile and ship it. There was plans (or just talks? not sure if this was ever realized) that users can download precompiled Shaders from other users, if its the exact same hardware.


It’s probably Shader compilation. Funny enough the top result of my websearch is my own post/thread in Reddit 4 years ago. I had this exact same question on my old computer: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/kyf1wf/why_is_steam_using_one_core_always_but_doing/ Shader compilation is done from time to time in the background while Steam runs. This prepares games to run better.

Look if there is a process called fosselize. That was the process name back then doing the Shader compilation.


Also for people its often an embarrassment to ask certain questions, because they think its a stupid question. In a forum, everyone can see it and comeback years later (which is a good thing btw, but for some embarrassing). A chat is forgets much quicker and better.

I think asking niche questions in a forum is very helpful too, otherwise you will only find common questions. Actually the niche questions answered and maybe corrected over time is very useful in forums. Because in a chat often niche questions requires the right person to be in the right group at the right time.


Especially Discord is bad, because it cannot be indexed by web search engines. And the entire structure is not really good for long term, compared to dedicated posts in forums.


Why? Is it bad providing alternatives? Especially as it is Fediverse based, which is federated and not controlled by a single company. And being compatible to Fediverse protocol means you can use any application.

Imagine something like Amazon, a central place you go and everyone who federates with it can sell products. I’m not against it.


I’m fine with it, if its not invasive in privacy and does not collect all the information. And if its a bit better moderated.


The good thing is, this deal is official. Making it easier to track who uses Ai.


Linus Torvalds has been sold out to big tech companies like Google and Microsoft.

Starts with such a banger…

He himself is a billionaire and no longer writes any code.

Is he though? Even if he is, didn’t he deserve it more than any other billionaire. Linux is FOSS after all and changed the world and IT dramatically. The money from Linux isn’t in his hand, but in the hands of Linux Foundation as far as I know. Linus didn’t make much money from Linux. Otherwise where is the evidence for this claim? I’m not against any evidence, I’m just against spreading false information. Also he does a lot still and maintains the project with lot of other people.

Many people, including myself, are very unhappy with his decisions, like the removal of several Russian developers from kernel maintainership status.

Ah, its about that. So anything else is not the real reason, its about the politics. I don’t know if this is justified or not, as I don’t know much about this situation.

Reading further its also the person is unhappy that C++ is not in the Kernel (but Rust got). I’m glad that people take matters in their own hand and fork if they are unhappy (regardless of any reason), but what is the point of this fork other than just being a fork? I wish that person or group good luck.
