You’ve heard of no true Scotsman, well that’s compared to me, the only true Scotsman. Everything I am is all things that are forever and not, therefore the fallacy isn’t.
Yeah the company that was investigated after the publicity, several execs sent to jail, and now has no such issues or allegations?
This is like saying all American workplaces hire children to do extremely dangerous labor just because that keeps happening in Alabama meat packing plants, plural, multiple companies.
Most “third world” or “developing” countries aren’t that bad, and there are places in the US far worse than the median developing country.
Also most people in most places do not want to go to the US, even to visit much less immigrate. It’s generally either the worst of a particular society or those specifically harmed by the US previously and feel their chances are better off with the abuser instead of in the abused country. It’s not a wanted destination.