

12 posts • 82 comments
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Do you really think you behave like a dick? Just becase other people say that, it doesn’t mean it’s true…


How did it go? Did it hit or was it a false alert? How long did it last? Are you satisfied with what you have accomplished? What is your current state? Any funny stories to share from the last month?


I have fully switched to kagi, it’s not perfect but for the average case it’s better than google.


Hi, I am a building a platform with the goal of supporting apps like this, and I would be interested to develop a plugin for your use-case as an experiment (no fee).

I am working alone on this and this is not my first priority, so I cannot make any guarantees about the timeline, or the scope of the plugin. But, if you are interested we can have a chat on matrix.

The project is not open source yet, but I am planning on doing so once (a) I figure out how to properly apply licensing, and (b) remove any potentially critical information (credentials) from the repository.


Been writing an article about dating while being AuDHD. While I am not going to pretend I am some guru that is going to turn your dating experience upside down, I have a few things that have worked for me:

  1. Be open about your neurodivergency. If a person is worth it, they will be interested to know more about it, try to understand and accommodate your needs, and be charmed by your quirks.
  2. Respect your RSD. If you feel like you are receiving negative feedback don’t shutdown, instead ask for clarification. If you want to do something but are afraid how it will be perceived, ask them. Unsurprisingly, people tend to appreciate the check-ins, it is perceived as you being caring.
  3. Try pebbling. It is the act of sharing things that you think the other person would appreciate. Feel free to info dump, feel free to share relevant experiences.
  4. Be meta as fuck. Explain your thought process, why you are doing something, and that train of thought that led to you saying seemingly completely irrelevant. Allistic people don’t understand neurodivergence, but the right people will make the effort.
  5. Be honest. Maybe you don’t feel safe to expose your date to your fully unmasked self, and that’s okay. BUT, honesty can go a long way. See something you like? Turn that into a compliment! Feeling insecure? Explain that and ask for validation! Something bothers you? Ask for the appropriate accommodations!
  6. Don’t try to impress the other person. Instead give your date the chance to like the real you. It’s much more sustainable in the long term, you will feel more free and safe in your relationship, and it’s fucking good to be appreciated.
  7. Routinize flirting. The consistency feels great for the other person, everyone needs a confidence boost and a few words of affirmation.

I have setup a rustdesk server with docker, it was surprisingly easy to get started. It was for a friend who is managing the IT services of a small factory, the completely switched from TeamViewer and they are satisfied. More importantly their users, who are worse than your average windows user, found the transition relatively painless.


I show my hairdresser a picture of my previous haircut (or one I like).


I have been dating this girl for the past month, she is awesome, and she makes me smile everyday 😁

I have had a relatively bad week, I got rejected by a company I was interviewing with for the past two months, but she has been my rock.


TIL this is called cognitive shuffle, it seems there a few studies on its effect on late onset insomnia, but no conclusive evidence on its efficacy. I am wondering if a more targeted study would provide better results (aka only on monotropic people)?


What do you the new section about misinformatiom? Do you think reddthat needs one?

When considering misinformation clauses I like the Wikipedia example. Intentionally or not, a core strategy wikipedia followed from early on is “don’t give a platform to the trolls”. Some believe that constructive critism is not effective against an attention seeking troll, it’s much more efficient for everyone to ban them early.

That said, freedom of speech is equally important and it’s important to differentiate between hard to discuss topics and misinformation. Hard to discuss topics are important because they help us explore new ideas, and grow as people and society.

All in all, I don’t like LW’s misinformation section, but I do think one is necessary. While, I cannot make a complete suggestion, I would definitely consider updating the clauses about peer reviewed research. Publications can be a reliable source of information, but gatekeeping knowledge into academic institutions is an issue IMO (especially if you consider that being a researcher is an socioeconomic privilege).

What do you think about how the situation was handled by the LW admin team?

It was a roller coaster to watch the controversy unveil, but I think the situation was handled well by the LW team. An admin made a few mistakes, which is understandable, the mistakes were acknowledged and fixed.

Given that LW is the biggest lemmy instance, how do you think these changes will influence smaller instances like reddthat?

While, I am sure of the influence LW holds over other lemmy instances, I try to remember that in the scope of the fediverse LW is relatively small.
