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the OS was not the comparison, but the hardware it runs on (just as @Freefall said) but also you seem to be wrong with your other assumption:

And both those devices are tied to a specific OS.

Which seems not to be the case as install instructions for another OS can be found here (i didn’t try it though) for the mentioned device:


lineage os still is an “android”, but another vendor with clearly different approach than the original firmware and what hinders you from writing bsd drivers and compiling a bsd kernel for it instead? So i count the Xperia 1 III as NOT bound to any OS or OS vendor.

But despite the way longer possible support/security, freedom of choice and endless other possibilities that often come along with free OS choice, this pure and great advantages weren’t even mentioned there, thus it wasnt an OS comparison as it also wasn’t a bound-to-an-OS vs. absentness of vendor-lock-in-limitation-jungle comparison.


First contact was on the here-named eta-carinae system, we did a holiday tour there long ago and heared about earth from a scientist that rescued a human instead of just studying and thus could not leave him there with his memories about him. the human was talking about star trek, its similarities and real differences all the time. he already spoke fluently in standard Sjesh/sound w/o any interfaces so we listened directly to his true mind. he even had a very worn out tng tshirt in his personal memory items box. i mean he really had used his memory items before! that made us curious and the rest is history. However he is now back here, as we managed to arrange his behavioral training to hide his experiences well, he passed all the tests and got his transport back, but with his biologic cells clock reset to his 20th to compensate the decades he lost out there a little bit. it is possible he could become an ambassador for earth one day, but it looks unlikely that he would want that given the circumstances here, a task he always compares with the mytholigical boulder of Sisyphus (that really never existed physically) whenever he is asked about his opportunity.

just kidding, first contact with TNG was in school, other kids talked about the first episode. i could not watch it at home and also had other problems to fix at that time so i missed a lot of the start of it :-/

however i am trying to train myself for writing in general as i have ideas for a longer story (but not within the trek universe) and as the above text came to my mind i just wrote it and hope you don’t find it too misplaced here or badly written… however any feedback is welcome.

5 points

hm, poker derived from a “cardgame” where the joker was actually one of the most important cards, so … poker was not meant to be invented anyway.

never mind, you fools ;-)


Wait… So LOTR is just a long winded remake of Smokey and the Bandit and Pippin is the Bandit.j

honestly i have no idea who a smoky should be, however i liked the movie “Bandits” back then, but i guess its likely not what you meant.

no pippin is rather just a fool who is directly driven by his curiosity and foolish but never foul ideas but that had an impact by the same luck that seems to follow pippin wherever he goes, thus he is rather the old character of the fool from tarot cards people have long forgotten (which is the only card of todays -poker,skat,etc- cardgames that somehow kept its original meaning from tarot cards: the joker who could be placed to replace every other card like the fool -high arkana- who could do anything and would just walk forwards without fearing consequences or looking back which is much of what pippin is like)


pippin actually helped to distract sauron a LOT. Without his “accident” there wouldn’t have been the big distracion that held until frodo and sam actually were on the vulcano short to letting the ring destroy itself.


i plan to get a similar setup (music on homeserver, synced to phone for offline use) but i dont need to sync playlists as i rarely use them, i have a streaming account with one(!) playlist with all the songs i remembered and wanted to listen to but didn’t buy as CD back then and use the radio like streaming options a lot.

but for syncing phone with nextcloud i use FolderSync (Pro) and it works as it should. it has lots of possible sync targets and lots of options to sync one or both ways. i have folders with >8000 files that take some time to sync but it works fine in the background with no prob, i let it sync over mobile network too, cz i value a more reliable in-sync status more than bandwidth. however i didn’t really try “immediate sync” for new/changed files yet as i don’t see the need for this but its one of many options.

however i only use nextcloud sync in one or two-way syncs and once used sftp for a one-way sync, so i cannot judge all the other options, but if your playlists are organized in files, their two-way sync might be as easy as with the songs. i bought the pro version on their website so my license is not bound to a google account.


ob der vertrocknete, entrindete Fichtenast…

ich war ja auch nicht bei “vielleicht wird da”, sondern bei “vielleicht möchte jemand” … jedenfalls gibts diverse Techniken, die so “ähnlich” aussehen. Vielleicht hat sich da auch jemand von gpt5-1/4 beraten lassen?


vielleicht möchte jemand, dass der Ast im feuchten Moosgeflecht Wurzeln schlägt, aber normalerweise macht man Äste dafür ab.
