Unfortunately, the S7 is, well, a shitshow. Feel free to look at reviews of it online if you need some incentive in order to replace it.
As for a more immediate solution, the problem I see is your inability to store the bike in a shed, at least temporarily. You should be able to get the humidity out by letting the clickbox sit wrapped in e. g. a plastic ziplock bag filled with a drying agent such as crumbled calcium chloride (available in any home improvement store), but that will only help so much if the humidity of the surrounding air is really high / if it’s constantly raining on the bag.
That being said, once dry, you might want to take off the lid and seal the seams using some automotive gasket sealant, e. g. Permatex. Those hold up well to the weather, are oil resistant etc. and will keep the moisture out.
Here is what I found in terms of products that might be available in your corner of the world:ülleinheit-450/dp/B07ZVXDPTM
Expat learning German here - what’s a noodle in this context?
Edit: ok, ignore that - I scrolled down and found the other post, I get it now. You people have fun.
That being said, everyone feel free to post their favorite clubs that are not in Berlin…
I like and use FreeCAD, but I’d have to chime in and say you don’t need a multi-million dollar company to develop better UI/UX - FreeCAD has some notoriously bad workflows.
The established user base and complexity of the software probably don’t exactly make a major UI overhaul easy, I’d reckon, so I would wager the problem is mostly historical, i. e. it grew without critical evaluation and now we’re here.
You can try
Content depends on plugins, so the app itself is not fixed to a certain genre / website / provider etc.
I believe I know what you are getting at, but still, that’s not exactly an equal comparison:
Ah, this takes me back. I remember the switch from PCI to AGP, realizing the 3d performance of the Voodoo 2 I had obtained a while ago would no longer cut it.
Trying to return the accelerator claiming it was pristine and unused, only to have the sales guy inspect the gold fingers on the PCB, the imprinted slide marks of the feathered PCI contacts clearly visible.
Knowing glances were exchanged, but the trade was accepted, upgrading said artifact in the process.
Seeing how I already stumble through a desolate, barren wasteland, encountering a Voodoo 2 would most likely bring me genuine joy.