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My little conspiracy theory on this: I wouldn’t be surprised if every intelligence agency in Europe knew how did it, but no one is going to tell, and we’re not going to find out for years.

An attack on critical infrastructure like this is essentially an act of war, and nobody in Europe wants to escalate this conflict any more by admitting they know who’s responsible.

If it was Ukraine, it would result in public outcry, and we’d basically be forced to cease any military support. If it was Russia, it’s an act of war and there’d be public pressure in the other direction, maybe even enough to make us officially declare war. If it was the US, there’d be pressure for at the very least some pretty severe diplomatic consequences.

Nobody in European governments wants any of those results right now. Everybody is content to just leave it be and an article like this pointing blame at one of the three every couple of months is the only thing we’ll hear on it until it gets declassified in 50 years when it doesn’t matter anymore.


Ich denke, man kann insgesamt mit der Saison zufrieden sein, CL Achtelfinale, Pokalfinale und nächstes Jahr wieder Europäisch. Das hätte ich vor der Saison sofort unterschrieben.

Was mir aber wirklich zu denken gibt ist das wir schon wieder in der Rückrunde komplett eingebrochen sind. So langsam hat das System und ein bisschen Ruhe und Planungssicherheit würde dem Verein in dieser Hinsicht sicherlich guttun.


I basically bought the Steam Deck as a Hades machine and I don’t regret it one bit, lol. Such a fantastic game. I’ve loved everything Supergiant has put out, but the replay value of Hades makes it one of my all-time favourites, and the Steam Deck is just perfect for quick rounds of a rogue-like.


Totally agree on Persona 5. Maybe it’s just because I don’t particularly care about anime, but I just couldn’t get into it. It just feels like hours and hours of boring anime filler episodes.

I’m also not a big fan of turn based combat, so that didn’t help.


I realize Obsidian isn’t known for visual masterpieces, but this looks extremely dated. The original teaser also had a much darker feel to it than this trailer. Seems a lot more colorful than I expected.

It’ll be on Game Pass, so I’ll probably check it out anyway, but this kind of dampened my expectations by a lot.


On weekdays, mostly in bed before going to sleep.

On the weekends, I do longer bike rides and take my E-Reader. I listen to audiobooks while riding and then stop at a nice spot in the shade and just read for an hour or two before I move on to the next spot or ride back home.


Unrelated to the article, but I’ve never heard of defector before, and I spend the last hour crawling through and reading a couple articles. Seems like a fantastic little site (and apparently worker owned?). I don’t care much about most of the sports articles, but the other stuff is great. Thanks for posting!


I rode Kopenhagen -> Berlin in May (started as bikepacking, but it was colder than I expected, and I didn’t really have the right gear, so I switched to staying in BnBs for the last 2 days).

I don’t have any concrete plans for other longer tours right now. I’ll probably do the Altmühl Cycle Route over a long weekend, though. It’s pretty close to where I live, so I can just take regional trains to the starting point and back home at the destination.
