I’m sure an AI babysitter won’t be immediately and utterly broken and bypassed by every single kid in these “classes”.
(Seriously: we’re talking about 8-12 year olds here and the absolutely are smart enough and incentivized to break the ever-loving crap out of this stupid idea.)
It’s a TOS violation to discuss one of the very real and legitimate responsibilities you have as a juror?
Like, nullification is a thing because it’s very much the absolute very very last defense against bullshit laws being used against people by a corrupt judicial system.
It’s a moral imperative and something anyone sitting on a jury should understand and be willing to use.
What an absurd take, especially since it sounds like it’s all the .world admins having it.
Lol, they’re just renaming Remote Desktop to Windows.
So I can use Windows to connect to Windows, and run my Windows.
Truly a moment of marketing brilliance.
Further proof that humanity neither deserves nor is capable of having nice things.
Who would set up an AI bot to shit all over the one remaining useful thing on the Internet, and why?
I’m sure the answer is either ‘for the lulz’ or ‘late-stage capitalism’, but still: historically humans aren’t usually burning down libraries on purpose.
So we’ve moved from that didn’t happen to it wasn’t that bad to it’s not a big deal, to it’s not my fault all in like 24 hours.
Love this speedrunning he’s doing.
I’m glad we’ve taken care of the access to guns and made progress on the societal issues that led to school shootings in the past 12 years, and that they’re no longer common.
Oh, wait, we didn’t do either of those things?
Wow, a commercial open source product that COULD have pulled a rugpull, looked for all the world like they were planning a rugpull, just uh, did the right thing?
Good job, Bitwarden.
Ooh and it’s a giant yellow banner you probably won’t miss, and not some two-shades-ligher-than-the-background nonsense.
Good job, Valve.