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Formerly @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net

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Hmm, gotcha. I just tried out a fresh copy of text-gen-webui and it seems like the latest version is borked with ROCM (I get the CUDA error: invalid device function error).

My next recommendation then would be LM Studio which to my knowledge can still output an OpenAI compatible API endpoint to be used in SillyTavern - I’ve used it in the past before and I didn’t even need to run it within Distrobox (I have all of the ROCM stuff installed locally, but I generally run most of the AI stuff in distrobox since it tends to require an older version of Python than Arch is currently using) - it seems they’ve recently started supporting running GGUF models via Vulkan, which I assume probably doesn’t require the ROCM stuff to be installed perhaps?

Might be worth a shot, I just downloaded the latest version (the UI has definitely changed a bit since I last used it) and just grabbed a copy of the Gemma model and ran it, and it seemed to work without an issue for me directly on the host.

The advanced configuration settings no longer seem to directly mention GPU acceleration like it used to, however I can see it utilizing GPU resources in nvtop currently, and the speed it was generating at (the one in my screenshot was 83 tokens a second) couldn’t have possibly been done on the CPU so it seems to be fine on my side.


Yeah, I definitely am not a fan of how AMD handles rocm - there’s so many weird cases of “Well this card should work with rocm, but… [insert some weird quirk that you have to do, like the one I mentioned, or what you’ve run into]”.

Userspace/consumer side I enjoy AMD, but I fully understand why a lot of devs don’t make use of rocm and why Nvidia has such a tight hold on things in the GPU compute world with CUDA.


Ah, strange. I don’t suppose you specifically need a Fedora container? If not, I’ve been using this Ubuntu based distrobox container recipe for anything that requires ROCM and it has worked flawless for me.

If that still doesn’t work (I haven’t actually tried out kobolcpp yet), and you’re willing to try something other than kobolcpp, then I’d recommend the text-generation-webui project which supports a wide array of model types, including the GGUF types that Kobolcpp utilizes. Then if you really want to get deep into it, you can even pair it with SillyTavern (it is purely a frontend for a bunch of different LLM backends, text-generation-webui is one of the supported ones)!


What card do you use? I have a 6700XT and getting anything with ROCM running for me requires that I pass the HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 environmental variable to the related process, otherwise it just refuses to run properly. I wonder if it might be something similar for you too?


I did the same move for similar reasons! Although I still keep windows around on another SSS - and even the Windows Nvidia drivers were being funky for me.

Nvidia shares a lot of logic between their Windows and Linux driver as far as I’m aware, so I suppose it makes sense.


Arch Linux is the same as the last time I was in the hospital with my babies and I was wondering if you were going to be able to get a new one.



IIRC this was in regards to Microsoft wanting to close access to the kernel, while also still wanting to use kernel-level APIs for their security suite - which does come down to anticompetitive practices.

However, if Microsoft were not to offer separate products that used kernel-level APIs then in theory it would not have this same issue, which I assume is how Apple gets away with it. But, I am not a lawyer so its just speculation on my part.


Funnily enough, I just use my old Stadia controller. Works perfectly with wired or wireless (in order to utilize Bluetooth, you need to use Google’s tool to “unlock” the Bluetooth mode on it - you only need to do this once), and I can’t say I’ve ever had a game not work with it. I think it just emulates Xinput/an Xbox controller under the hood?

Before that however, I just used an Xbox One controller (particularly, the “Xbox One S” ones that have native Bluetooth support, but my non-S one worked fine over both wired and with the addon dongle that you can purchase) which also always worked out for me. I think I still prefer the Stadia controller for how it feels in the hand, and the fact that it uses USB-C however.

At some point I would like to pickup a GuliKit KK3 Max controller since it seems quite intriguing, however I can’t really justify the price point when my Stadia controller works just fine for me.


Good god, I was finally prescribed Ambien for the first time recently, and I definitely now realize why it has the reputation that it does.


Fucking Crohn’s Disease sucks. All of my “adventures” with it have been painful, but the one that takes the cake:

A couple of years ago, my GI wanted me to do a pill endoscopy test, which is where they basically have you swallow a pill that has a camera embedded in it, and it takes pictures while it traverses your insides. You’re supposed to naturally “pass” it like anything else you eat, but in my case I did not, and it got stuck. My GI did not believe me, and it just kept getting worse and worse. To put a timeframe on things, this happened in early February of that year.

I had ER trip after ER trip throughout that year, they determined that it wasn’t going to pass on its own and needed to be surgically removed, but since it was not “life threatening” they couldn’t just wheel me into an OR immediately and have it done, it had to be scheduled. Took forever to find a surgeon to schedule me under. One of the times that I was in the hospital due to this, the doctor on my “care” team wanted me to do what she called a “supreme bowel cleanse” to see if that would dislodge it. I was hesitant to do it, but I was pretty much willing to do anything at that point to end this nightmare, and only because she promised me that if it didn’t work, they’d take me into surgery and do it the old fashioned way. That ordeal was terrible, I’ve had Crohn’s since before I was a teenager, I’m very used to doing colonoscopy prep - this was far worse than that, the pain was unbearable and the amount of bowel cleanse that they gave me must’ve been right at the border of their ethical limits (or at least, I imagine that has to be a thing, right?) and plot twist she did not hold up her end of the bargain when the pill still did not pass, instead she gave me a few days worth of pain meds and discharged me the next day.

My condition continued to get worse and worse, yet my operation wasn’t scheduled till early July. The hospital that the surgeon worked for agreed to pre-admit me into their care 2 months in advanced because it got to the point where I could barely even hold down regular water and I had to be put on IV nutrition with a PICC line and all.

Fast forward to the operation day, they ended up having to do two surgeries in one go, the first being to remove the pill, and the second was to try to fix the damage that had been revealed on the camera. The moment I woke up from the operation I was screaming in pain, and begging them to put me back under (which they could not do). They kept giving me pain meds and I’d end up passing out eventually from the pain, wake back up, and the whole ordeal would start again. Eventually they put me on one of those self-administered pain med pumps where I could click a button every so often and it would give me some pain medication through my IV.

I didn’t end up going home until the very beginning of September (first week I believe), and I had arrived there sometime in the middle of May. I will never do one of those pill endoscopy tests ever again. I also switched GIs since my current one at that time had refused to listen to me when I told her something was wrong at the beginning of the “experience”.
