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And you have a right to be upset. It’s good that you’re voicing that opinion, it’s good that you’re standing up for what you believe in. The more voices there are that speak up about injustice, the better!

I wonder if this all sounds contradictory to the person you may think you were debating/arguing with, but it’s not. Having voices heard is part of what I believe in. It’s just that I don’t think silencing opposing voices (no matter what garbage they spew) is the right way to go


I’m not lecturing you, I apologize if it seemed that way. What I was trying to do is allow you to recognize that your own biases, to help explain why people jump on the fascist boat

I’m not gonna continue arguing, because it seems like you’re upset. I just hope that you can remember thenold adage: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar


I understand your frustration, and also the need to come across as condescending. You’re probably the downvote on my comment. You want to punish me, don’t you?

See, that feeling you are feeling… that frustration. It isn’t unique to you.

The primary driver in fascism is emotion. Fear, anger, frustration. Stong human emotion that lead to feeling like other people are lesser than yourself. The bad guy. The evil one. The ones that must be stopped.

Those strong feelings and the desire to shush the words of the other are exactly the kinds of things that lead to extremes.

Having strong feelings toward other people are as natural and normal as homosexuality.

When I say inclusion, I’m not talking about inviting the Nazi to roast the Jew at dinner. I’m talking about inviting everyone, Jew, Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, everyone, to dinner and giving each a timer to talk.

It sounds hokey as fuck, but we need to learn to love each other as we love ourselves. Only then, can Nazi’s cease to exist. If you repress people, it only makes the hate stronger.

Anyway, there is a portion of the population that is incapable of what I mentioned above. For them, there is no cure. For them, they must be watched. If -and only if- they cause harm to others, then they need to be jailed to protect everyone else. But… I believe they’re (thankfully) rare. For everyone else, there’s hope


Interesting. So, do you think that if something becomes illegal, it simply goes away?

So, for example…lets take something I feel is a natural. Homosexuality. If suddenly homosexuality suddenly became punishable by death by everyone in the world would it vanish? Would all people just be straight? No.

People are all wired differently.

Instead of repressing who people are, we should seek to understand what fears people have, what brings them comfort, educate them, highlight the ways in which we are similair as people. We should fight fascism not with oppression but inclusion.

Facists gain power by division. It’s “us” vs “them”

They lose power when “us” is all there is.

Anyway. My original point is that I would rather see the wolf for what it is and watch it, than allow it to hide amongst the flock, undetected


I’m not Australian, but…

If you let the baddies march, you can identify them later and tie them to the hate-crimes when they happen.

If I was the government, I would absolutely let people show me who they are. I’d rather know what I’m up against, how many, and who amonsgt them I can dig dirt up on


As funny as this is, I concur. Also… why were they taking a picture? Kinda concerns me that they may have intentionally pushed the box top over to tip the cat

But maybe I’m just being paranoid. Idk.


I think that lil’ kick some of us get is what divides people with adhd into the successful and unsucessful groups. Both suck, both are not our faults, but I’m glad to be able to eventually get stuff done even if it feels like I’m shortening my lifespan

I have a close friend who has inattentive adhd and he has a baaaaad time at life. He “lets” all the deadlines fly by and falls into depressions because of it. Got kicked out of school, ended up homeless for a while, finally recovered but then couldn’t deal with credit cards, managed to get on his feet again and find a woman who supported him, but then she dumped him because he forgot to get her from the hospital. He’s finally kind of ok, has a job and lives with his mom (at 40). I keep trying to get him to get back on meds but he says he can’t afford the visit. He can’t get through the paperwork for disability, either. He isn’t stupid, we have great in-depth conversations and he’s witty af. He just really… can’t

I mention all that to illustrate what I mean by successful vs unsucessful. I’ve asked him if he gets the: ShitIHaveToDoThisAllRightNow! kick and he doesn’t. Task pressure just paralyzes him


Sometimes I need a break just turning on the computer. Or putting dishes in the dishwasher. Or moving the laundry from the drier to the bed.

I’m a lot “better” at doing tasks than most people that I know with unmedicated adhd, but some days are just… nope, I showered and brushed my teeth so imma spend the rest of the day doing whatever random thing captures my attention for more than 5 minutes

Usually need a few days like that in a week. I just let my brain off it’s leash until the anxiety and guilt kicks in and then I get everything done is a fury

0 points

And maternal mortality in the developed world!

0 points

As an Americam, I approve of this satire!

Wait a minute.

It… it is satire, right?

As an American, I am also now confused.

What if… what if this isn’t satire and someone REALLY thinks that being European is better than being American? No… surely it can’t be!

America is the greatest!



